
2004-2009 Working in South Sudan.

Teaching in Kajo Keji Teachers Collage, and working with a sponsorship program for children, Music for Life, the need for sharing the Gospel and giving hope became most evident in this remote and hard pressed area of South Sudan. Starting a Bible Institute to teach the Bible with 20 students, within the first 10 week course, 12 gave their hearts to Jesus Christ. Bringing the Jesus Film, translated in the local languages, we began holding outdoor events with these new Christians giving their personal stories of how Jesus Christ changed their lives. Within a short period, hundreds were giving their hearts to Jesus Christ, and being baptized in water. Many of these then attended a week long Discipleship Intensive on living the Christian Life. Young emerging leaders spontaneously began singing, preaching, and praying in these outdoor events sharing how their lives had been changed and filled with God’s love and joy, along with the Jesus Film. We witnessed a growing movement of God’s grace with signs, wonders, and miracles. Many were saved, healed, and delivered from tormenting evil spirits. Every 12 weeks, 10 Day Intensives were held, with new Christians coming for Bible and Holy Spirit. Many received gifts of the Spirit for preaching, evangelism, and earnest passion to see others come to Christ. Churches were opened in every village where the Jesus Film was presented and where young leaders prayed for the sick and afflicted. Teaching Teams were sent out for continuing training intensives for Children Ministers; New Christian Discipleship; Leaders and Pastors; and Church Development. The power in the movement was the Message of Christ Jesus: Salvation in Christ alone; deliverance from demonic powers and influences; baptism in water; baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire; impartation, call, or gifts of God that empower individuals for God and His works. During this period, nearly 100,000 responded to the Gospel, with Churches and leaders being raised up. God has left an indelible impact and witness in South Sudan of the hope there is in Christ Jesus. In the years ahead, leaders from this movement are focusing on Northern Uganda, SE Sudan, and Congo. In going to South Sudan, God said, “I am going to open heaven, and come down, and so shake this place that the effects will be felt across Sudan, and heard around the world.” And so it is, and the second wave is coming…